2021 Lunch & Learns
Scroll down to view recordings of 2021 KWAOR Lunch & Learn offerings
5 Biggest Mortgage Mistakes
December 15, 2021

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 11:30 am
Cherie delves into the 5 biggest mortgage mistakes made by new home buyers. This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee. 73 minutes – Q&A throughout.
Is Sea Level Rise Our Shoreline Demise?
November 4, 2021

Thursday, November 4th at 11:30 am
Tik and Tok to Home Sales?
October 20, 2021

Virtual Lunch & Learn Event: How to Grow Your Real Estate Business Using Instagram Reels & TikTok. Presented by Shalimar Albanese-Pavao, Owner & Chief Everything Officer at From Stressed to Blessed Marketing.
Wednesday, October 20th at 11:30 am via Zoom. Shalimar explores how these wildly popular social media tools can grow your audience, get you more leads and help you find new clients. This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee and Cutco Closing Gifts by The New England Branding Agency . 69 minutes – Q&A throughout.
How Safe Are You, Really?
September 28, 2021

Panel Discussion on REALTOR® Safety in the Field
What do a retired Cranston detective, your cell phone and SentriKey have in common? Join our three panelists Fred Morse, Taylor Cacciola and Bill Fain as they discuss ways you can protect yourself and your clients from situations that may put you in danger. This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee and Cutco Closing Gifts by The New England Branding Agency . 62 minutes – Q&A throughout.
Insurance 101 with Phil Slocum of Slocum | Real Estate & Insurance
August 26, 2021

Insurance Questions? Ask Phil.
Flood Insurance with Mary Caruso of Carey, Richmond & Viking Insurance
July 29, 2021

Flood Insurance with Q&A
Mary Caruso discusses how FEMA is updating the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) risk rating procedure through the implementation of a new pricing methodology called Risk Rating 2.0. Mary provides various examples of rating differences and reviews of what she is finding in the private flood market. This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee and Cary Richmond & Viking Insurance. 53 minutes – Q&A throughout.
June 23, 2021

Expert Panel on Inspections with Q&A
The house inspection is complete… but there are issues. Watch this FacebookLive recording to learn how to understand an inspection report and effectively negotiate repairs and responsibilities for buyers and sellers. Your instructors are Hank Richter of Home Pro Inspections of Rhode Island and Greg Dantas of RI Real Estate Services. This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee. 58 minutes – includes a short introduction from Home Inspections of RI; Q&A throughout.
What Lies Beneath? Basic Septic for RI REALTORS®
May 26, 2021

Get informed with Bob Smith of RJ Smith Construction, who can help you and your clients navigate what lies beneath a property’s surface and ensure necessary seller and buyer education. Great info for ANY homeowner!
RJ Smith Construction is owned and operated by Bob Smith and his wife Danielle. Established in 2004, RJ Smith specializes in conventional septic system design and installation, along with alternative and experimental technologies. RJ Smith also provides septic repairs, as well as sitework and underground utilities installation. This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee and Sponsored by RJ Smith Construction. 49 minutes; Q&A throughout.
Title Training for REALTORS®
March 18, 2021

Mike Krone
Attorney Michael Krone is Senior Vice President of Corporate Development for Equity National Title and Counsel to O’Donnell Law Group, real estate settlement and closing providers headquartered in New England. Mike previously served as Chief Operating Office of a high volume real estate conveyancing organization with offices along the Eastern Seaboard. Previous to that Mike served as Vice President, Special Counsel and Manager of Massachusetts operations for a Fortune 200 title insurance company.
He has trained thousands of REALTORS® and Lenders in real estate law and practice and cybersecurity in the real estate industry. mkrone@equitynational.com
This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee and Sponsored by National Title. 1 hour, 5 minutes; Q&A from 55:17. Slides available upon request from Mike Krone.
The Millennial Consumer
February 18, 2021

Cherie Roach
Cherie Roach has 30 years of experience in mortgage services and is a founder of the RI School of Real Estate. cherie.roach@grarate.com
This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee. 1 hour, 6 minutes; Discussion & Q&A begins at 57:00.
Millennials are different — from their reasons for buying and expectations of their purchasing power to their understanding of the financing process. Education is the key–let Cherie help you become a master at moving potential buyers to buyers and buyers to satisfied homeowners!
Hungry for MORE after the video? check out the Essent Millennial Survey Report: essent.us/millenialstudy
Did you know? The Rhode Island School of Real Estate offers a 3-hour class to provide REALTORS with the tools they need to educate Millennial buyers and overcome emotional and/or financial barriers.
Rhode Island Purchase and Sales Agreement Update
February 17, 2021

Brian LaPlante
Brian LaPlante has decades of experience in complex business (contracts, purchase and sale, financing, employment, and litigation) and real estate (contracts, purchase and sale, leasing, condominium, zoning and land use, litigation, and construction). He is a frequent continuing education lecturer and author of treatises and seminar materials for attorneys and other professionals. In addition to counseling individuals, businesses, government agencies, and financial institutions concerning property and business transactions, he also litigates in the state and federal courts of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and serves as Counsel for the Kent Washington Association of REALTORS®.
Invest an hour to improve your understanding of recent updates to the RI Purchase and Sales Agreement. Protect your business, your clients and yourself by understanding the October 2020 updates to the Agreement.
NOTE: Before you watch this class, set tabs on your computer for these two links, or print out the documents. Be sure to stick around for the Q&A session!
RIAR Explanation of Changes in the New P&S:
Sample of the New P&S Form: https://files.constantcontact.com/d00c7ce2301/fe5c2219-26da-415b-964e-d37b338b5517.pdf
This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee. 1 hour, 13 minutes; Q&A throughout.
Salesmanship with Shannon Buss
JANUARY 21, 2021

Shannon Buss
Shannon has been a REALTOR® for two decades. She was president of RIAR in 2020 and provides coaching and education nationwide. Shannon encourages you to reach out to set a meeting for a chance to “pick her brain” for tips from the $1M in education she has invested in throughout her career. shannonbuss@gmail.com
What can you do TODAY to grow your business? Spend and hour with Shannon Buss for great tips on customer communications, networking, and much more!
This Lunch & Learn was brought to you by the KWAOR Education Committee. 1 hour, 1 minute; Q&A begins at 57:36.
The links below provide follow-up to items mentioned in Shannon’s talk.
RIAR Monthly Market Research Reports https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/highlights-from-the-profile-of-home-buyers-and-sellers
50 Cups of Coffee To Transform Your Business https://www.inc.com/peter-thomson/50-cups-of-coffee.html
Tool to help customize your customer communications to match their personality https://www.crystalknows.com You must have LinkedIn to use Crystal Knows.
Your next great read-for work and personal communications success: Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott https://fierceinc.com/fierce-conversations/