Here for You

We have a variety of committees designed to help you grow in your profession as a REALTOR®.

KWAOR Committees

The purpose of the Kent Washington Association of REALTORS® Committees is to provide resources and support when it comes to education, events, government, communications and more.

KWAOR Committees BrochureKWAOR 2024 Committee Chairs Contact List

Community Outreach

This committee is designed to help KWAOR reach the Consumer Outreach Core Standards requirements outlined by the National Association of REALTORS®. Members engage in meaningful activities throughout Kent & Washington Counties demonstrating how REALTORS® are the “Voice for Real Estate”. We’ve partnered with the Red Cross RI Chapter and the South County Habitat for Humanity. Community involvement and investment has proven over and over to be a win-win for our REALTOR® and Business Partner members.


Presents educational seminars, including classes for license re-certification, as well as presentations of educational content at general membership meetings. Disseminates educational information to Association members.

Government Affairs

Meets regularly to review legislative issues which affect the real estate profession, and/or private property rights. Compiles and distributes to the membership current rosters of Kent and Washington County’s town and city councils and committees, as well as state senators and representatives. Chairperson shall serve as liaison between the RIAR Government Affairs Committee and the Board of Directors and membership. Educates and encourages members to support all local, statewide, and national “Calls for Action”. Organizes any necessary action with regard to issues concerning the real estate profession on the local or state level. Develops a stronger information stream to the Members.


Members are appointed for three year terms. Three years of REALTOR® membership required. Receives Ethics complaints and Arbitration requests. Provides preliminary review and screening. Follows procedures as outlined in the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual. Serves as training for future service on Professional Standards Committee.

Professional Standards

Three years of REALTOR® membership required. Conducts Ethics Hearings on alleged violations of the Code of Ethics. Recommends to Board of Directors discipline of members who violate the Code of Ethics. Arbitrates monetary disputes concerning brokerage fees between REALTOR® Principals arising out of real estate transactions or as outlined in the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.

Programs & Member Engagement

This committee develops and coordinates membership activities that promote networking and participation for all members. Activities include general membership meetings, charitable events, and the annual December holiday party. They assist staff with welcoming new members at New Member Orientations and other special events.

Bylaws | Policies & Procedures

This Committee maintains a continued vigilance that the Association’s governing documents serve the Association in meeting its goals and objectives. Reviews the Bylaws and recommends amendments to the Board of Directors as required by NAR or recommended by Association officers or operating committees. Reviews Association Bylaws regularly for clarity, enforceability, and practicality.

The Committee is responsible for the development of the committee policies, and procedures. To assist the association in executing its duties in an ethical and legal manner. The purpose of the committee is to ensure everyone follows the same rules, procedures, and regulation to ensure that these rules are updated as needed.

Interested in getting involved?

Among all of the networking opportunities that KWAOR offers its members, serving on a committee can be one of the most rewarding. Get involved today!